DEAR PEANUT – you are one month old today and I can hardly believe it! The last 30 days have been a complete blur, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. You don’t have many hobbies yet, but you sure love to eat and sleep (guess we have that in common!) You hate getting your diaper changed and you may or may not have peed on daddy a couple times already.
Here’s a quick recap of our last 30 days together:
one month
7lbs 7oz || 19.5 inches
I know it is too soon to tell, but so far you are a good sleeper. I mean, it is all you do so it’s kind of hard to be bad at it. You love to sleep with your arms up by your face and your favorite spot to sleep is in Mom and Dad’s arms.
The truth is we are still getting the hang on breastfeeding. We struggled with your latch the first 2 weeks (painful is a way to describe it) but after 30 days of “practice” I can say we are getting better.
Your umbilical cord (thankfully!) fell off at day 7 because it was starting to smell pretty bad. We are not sure where exactly it fell off, but we’d like to think it ended in one of your diapers. Anyways, we ended up giving you your first bath the next day and you were not a fan.
You’ve started to smile a lot in your sleep and its the CUTEST thing! Many people say that doesn’t count as a smile yet, but what do they know. I count it and I can’t wait until you give us your first “awake” smile.
Your first interaction is one I’m never gonna forget! She was so gentle with you and just wanted to give you sweet (wet) kisses. She constantly checks on you and quickly lets us know when you start crying.
You helped celebrate our 2 year wedding anniversary. I was convinced you were gonna come on this exact day (8/26) and we would share this special date. But instead you had your own agenda and I am not mad about that <3
At two weeks old, you took your first trip to the beach. You spent most of the day sleeping (surprise), but the short hour you were awake you were a trooper. Not a single cry. Only when you got your diaper changed.