Dear Peanut – at 9 months, your little personality is shining through. You are a curious little boy who knows what you like and dislike and you are not shy to let us know. You are fully standing and crawling now, which made this photoshoot the hardest one yet! You would not sit still, every time we set you down you would just crawl away.
We are experiencing the 9 month sleep regression (or so that’s what I’d like to think) and it has been ROUGH. You started to sleep through the night a couple of days but it didn’t last long. You are waking again about every 3 hours and the only way to get you back to sleep is to nurse or lay next to you. Your naps are still good, so we’ll call that a mini victory.
You sure love food! Most of it still ends up on the floor or in Luna’s mouth but you enjoy eating nevertheless and that makes me so happy. You have started to grab things with your fingers so I’ve been giving you tons of bite size snacks for you to practice your pincer grasp.
Let’s record this date on our calendars please: May 7, 2020 ♥
You went from sitting to standing in a blink of an eye and now that’s all you want to do. We’ve lowered your crib twice in the last month. Between you crawling and standing, we have our work cut out for us.
You keep showing signs of teething and we thought we would see a tooth this month but nada. I can feel a little bump in your bottom gums so maybe one is on its way, but then again I’ve been saying that for the past 3 months.
It has taken us two months but we have finally settled into somewhat of a routine. There are some challenging days but I think we got it down for the most part. I am just thankful we get to spend this time with you and watch you grow ♥